Back to School with the Non-GMO Project: 5 Tips for Packing a Non-GMO Lunchbox (from Non-GMO Project)
One of the best things about starting a new school year is the opportunity to develop new habits. The classroom is organized, desks are clean, and your child’s backpack is full of untouched school supplies. All of these are reminders of the fresh start that comes with being another grade older. Make the most of this transition back to school and ensure that your child is carrying a healthy and delicious non-GMO lunch.
1) Educate yourself
GMOs are lurking in the overwhelming majority of conventional processed foods that we pack in kids’ lunchboxes, including granola bars, lunch meats, crackers, and breads. Learn about the common culprits and become a label sleuth when you are grocery shopping.
2) A lunch is only healthy if it gets eaten. As simple as it sounds make sure you are packing a lunch your child is excited to eat. Help them make a list of their favorite lunch foods—then visit the Non-GMO Project website to ensure that they are non-GMO.
3) Make it fun. Go with you child to your local natural foods store and experiment with new foods. Looking for the Non-GMO Project verification mark can be made into a game that is both fun and helpful for identifying foods that are non-GMO.
4) Start with the basics. Thankfully, GMOs are not very common in the produce aisle or in foods that are not processed–keeping your child’s lunchbox healthy AND non-GMO is much simpler when you use whole foods like: grapes, carrots, celery sticks, almonds, or a favorite piece of fruit. Visit our “What is GMO” page to see a complete list of GMO food ingredients.
5) Remember that just because a product is “natural” does not mean that is non-GMO
“Natural” products are just as likely to be GMO as conventional products. Even natural products purchased at the health food store may contain GMOs. Need help finding verified products when you are shopping? Download the Non-GMO Project iPhone app from the Apple store.